Crocodile (Cocodrilos) Bridge is a watching point of huge crocodiles warming oneself in the shallow water on Tarcoles river.
Crocodile (Cocodrilos) Bridge – Tarcoles river
Cocodrilos Bridge – it was the first time for me to see the crocodiles.. it’s an incredible experience. We were traveling from the north toward Manuel Antonio National Park, driving through Jaco. We were passing the town twice and had a feeling that this is quite touristic and pleasant place for a chill out.
How to get to Cocodrilos Bridge?
Taking a bus speak to the driver about Cocodrilos Bridge – then he will stop just near the river. Just after getting off the bus the curiosity is so strong that you just cannot wait to run to the bridge to see the reptiles. The Cocodrilos bridge is long with very narrow pedestrian path. The fence is low so be careful when the lorries pass through.Â
You wouldn’t like to take a bath in that river. 🙂 There is a lot of people watching the crocodiles on the bridge. Near the bridge there’s a really nice restaurant for cooling yourself with a cold beer. The heat outside in January is horrible. After visiting the bridge we were heading San Jose.
Be aware to local tourist guides
Be careful with local tourist guides around the bridge – they will be encouraging you to buy a river trip, including bird watching in the mangroves. But mangroves are actually the shelter for all the birds from the heat during day time. We asked him how to get the bus to San Jose instead and surprisingly he new all buses schedules by heart.
He said the bus is gonna be there in half an hour. We just have to wave to stop it. Well it wasn’t that easy because the first bus passed us speeding. He also told us that very often when the bus driver sees tourists with luggage simply doesn’t stop. The reason is that he would have to put them in the hatch during the stoppage.
And actually few buses passed us without stopping. After an hour waiting next to the busy and dusty road we sat down in one of the cafes to have a cold beer. I think the heat was around 40 degrees. Just after one sip the guide stopped a bus for us and called us to get there immediately. We left the beers and unfortunately our microfiber towels as well. 🙂
Heading Puntarenas: