Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic)

Languages: Lao

Currencies: LAK · Lao kip (₭)

Capitol: Vientiane

Continents: Asia

Borders: Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

More useful information

Area: 236,800km2

Population: 7,275,556

Traffic/driving side: right

Landlocked country: Yes

Independent country: Yes

United Nations member: Yes

IDD Prefix: +856

Timezones: UTC+07:00

Last updated on July 16, 2023

When you first see Kuang Si Falls on internet you think filters because the place looks so unreal. But in reality the scenery looks exactly same, this is why you should absolutely visit Kuang Si Falls. It’s definitely one of the most magnificent attractions in Laos and it’s a great itinerary for a day trip.

Why to visit Kuang Si Falls?

It’s very easy to get to Kuang Si Falls, it’s located only 30 km from Luang Prabang. The place is opened from 8am-5pm and can get a bit crowdy during weekends. The entrance is cheap (3$ in 2015). The simplest way to get there is taking tuk-tuk from the centre of Luang Prabang town. The place is well organized with quite convenient visitor facilities around the Falls, with few changing rooms and nuber of picnic tables. Pay attention to the signs to dress respectfully and also be aware – not all pools are allowed to swim in. Some of the green crystal pools are a sacred places for local communities – marked by do-not-enter!

But main pools are accessible and swimming in these overwhelming cold crystal waters is a lifetime adventure. Water was freezing, at least in February. There are many pools in the main swimming area, so you don’t have to worry about crowds! It’s a great fun jumping into the water from the swinging ropes or surrounding trees’ branches. 

Make sure to carry few things with you (a small rucksack would be very comfortable for this trip):

Upper section of Kuang Si Falls.

There is a tiny path to climb up alongside the waterfall to the very top to admire a great view of the waterfall and the surrounding valley. The hike takes only about 15-20 minutes and there are several pools on the top as well. I wouldn’t recommend climbing the path in bare feet or in flip flops, as it gets really slippery. The jungle atmosphere at the top is incredible. Enjoy the walk in silence among exotic wildlife.

Best time to visit Kuang Si Falls in Laos.

While travelingin Asia you need to be able to recognize dry and rainy seassons in different parts of the region. If you are aiming to visit any waterfalls you need to know the scenery would be very dependent on rainfall.

There are few waterfalls around Luang Prabang near Tat Sae but during dry season they were completely dry – so don’t bother going there!

Best time to visit Kuang Si Falls is outside of a monsoon seasson from December till April. It’s a dry season and the area is accessible for visitors. During other months the rainy season brings heavy rainfalls, which can be dangerous to visitors. 

Sassari Sardinia

Hey - I'm Eva!

Hiker, adventurous traveler and the author of this blog. My biggest joy is mountaineering and writing reportage travel stories here on this blog, to help you create a unique travel experience. Traveling is freedom, allows you seeing the world truly, meet communities, grow. Taste it!

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