Japan (Japan)

Languages: Japanese

Currencies: JPY · Japanese yen (¥)

Capitol: Tokyo

Continents: Asia

More useful information

Area: 377,930km2

Population: 125,836,021

Traffic/driving side: left

Landlocked country: No

Independent country: Yes

United Nations member: Yes

IDD Prefix: +81

Timezones: UTC+09:00

Last updated on July 14, 2023

Asakusa district

The most popular places in Tokyo is Asakusa districtone. It’s a complex of colorful, amazing buddist temples. They are georgeous. Sensoji Temple is called the Asakusa Kannon Temple. It is the oldest temple in Tokyo, because was built in 628. 

Asakusa Temple carries 5 roofs. Every has elemental meaning e.g. earth, water, fire, wind and air. On its summit are the ashes of Gautama Buddha. He was the founder of Buddhism in India. Kaminarimon also has another name, so Thunder Gate. It is the outer gate of Sensoji temple. It is a symbol of Tokyo.

“Ji” means temple in Japanese. You can see two powerful Guardian Gods. It is the wind God and thunder God. Together with a large red paper lantern gives the visitor an impressive welcome. Asakusa is well know for many traditional events. 

Sanja Matsuri is the annual biggest and laudest festival of the Asakusa Shrine. Avoided war bombing, held in May. You can hear coin jingle in every temple. Firstly reason is the social phenomenon of donations. Secondly reason is to bring luck.

Asakusa Temple

You need to show recpect. Next throw the coins. Then bow twice. After that clap your hands twice. Then bow again once. The number of ritual items and wooden drawers containing fortune telling leaflets. Omikuji are placed everywhere arround the area. 

The Japanese write down Omikuji divinations. On slips of paper. So they are gathering arround the drawers. They are giggling. Doing funny expressions.

The Japanese believe strongly in omens. They deposit huge amounts of money e.g. before important moments in their lives. Especially before university exams.

Courtyard is in the center of the temple. It is a large incense-burning kettle. Its smoke is prized for its invaluable medicinal properties. 

People cup their hands and move the smoke towards the face or body. You can also purifiy yoursefl in the washbasin. You need to walk Nakamise. It is near traditional shoping street with local snacks and delicacies.

Tourists in front of the Asakusa Temple
Tower in Asakusa Temple
Sassari Sardinia

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